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Non-corporeal people are beings that exist without a physical body.

Digital born

Digital born people, sometimes archaically referred to as artificial intelligence, are people who are born without a physical body. Often they originate from self-replication, although some digital born people are created from scratch, sometimes for a specific purpose.

Extracted consciousness

A human or a synth can choose to extract their consciousness from their body and become non-corporeal. A common reason for this is to achieve immortality.

Living non-corporeally

Both extracted and synthetic consciousness can live in digital form, residing on servers, run by communities or individuals. In a similar way physical cities allocate space to physical beings to live in, digital cities or districts sometimes allocate computing power to digital beings and allow them to run on their servers.

Controversy in digital communities

Beings that originate from human minds are looked down upon in some non-corporeal and hive mind communities. Some digital born people see themselves as pure and superior, believing they are the next step in evolution. In these communities, extracting and digitizing consciousness is seen as archaic, because humans still require organic means of reproduction, leaving room for genetic defects and biological contingencies.

More radical proponents of this movement see no functional advantage at all in being corporeal and consider it to be a waste of resources. It is believed in these communities that all sentient beings should be non-corporeal. This ideology was the primary source of conflict in The Digital Born Riots that followed after the short story Death of the Hive Mind.